
Hydro-Quebec project

Have you heard about the new Hydro-Quebec project? They want to build another dam on the Romaine River. This project will cost a lot of money to accommodate around one thousand of people.

The supply dropped and the demand is rising. This is not a reason to destroy the environment. Hydro is trying to hide this ridiculous project. They will flood a big part of the area. They will kill a thousand of animals who are living there. The people living in the area will not be able to fish there anymore. This project must be put in the garbage like the one who thought of this stupid idea. I can’t believe it’s the only way to produce electricity. We must evolve and find another solution to this stupid project. It would be a monumental error from hydro to flood that area. I think we have enough dams that destroy the landscape. Furthermore, we pollute the sights with posts and wires, which change a beautiful view into an urban Picasso painting. We are facing a problem. What kind of a future are we creating for our children? Do we need a world with much more electricity or a world where the pollution and the destruction lead our life for our own comfort?

Personally, I like fishing, it is my hobby, and when I see projects like that dam, I’ m really disappointed in human beings. Sometime, when I go down a river I see rubbish like tires, oil cans and toilet parts in the river which makes me wonder: « Who is the idiot who sent garbage in the river? We drink this water. » It makes me mad. In conclusion I disagree with the project of Hydro. That’s enough pollution and destruction of the land.
A St-Prosper Student

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